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Grafted Apple Seedlings

Original price was: KSh 1,000.00.Current price is: KSh 600.00.

Grafted Apple Seedlings sold at our nursery are grafted from the best rootstock of M9, this rootstock is a sure bet when it comes to apple farming in Kenya.

Our seedlings are certified and boast a 99% survival rate, thanks to our meticulous grafting process using the superior M9 rootstock. Let’s look into why our grafted apple seedlings are the top choice for Kenyan farmers.

Grafted Apple Seedlings sold at our nursery are grafted from the best rootstock of M9, this rootstock is a sure bet when it comes to apple farming in Kenya.

Our seedlings are certified and boast a 99% survival rate, thanks to our meticulous grafting process using the superior M9 rootstock. Let’s look into why our grafted apple seedlings are the top choice for Kenyan farmers.

Why Choose Grafted Apple Seedlings?

Grafting is a time-honored horticultural technique that involves joining the tissue of one plant to the tissue of another, allowing them to grow together as one plant. This method is particularly beneficial for apple trees, as it combines the desirable characteristics of two different plants. The rootstock provides a strong and disease-resistant base, while the scion (the grafted part) produces high-quality fruit.

The Superiority of M9 Rootstock

At Farmers Trend, we exclusively use M9 rootstock for our grafted apple seedlings. The M9 rootstock is renowned worldwide for its exceptional qualities:

  1. Dwarfing Effect: M9 rootstock induces a dwarfing effect, making the apple trees smaller and more manageable. This is ideal for high-density planting and ensures ease of maintenance, pruning, and harvesting.
  2. Early Fruiting: Trees grafted onto M9 rootstock tend to bear fruit earlier than those on other rootstocks. This means farmers can start enjoying the fruits of their labor sooner.
  3. High Yield: Despite their smaller size, trees on M9 rootstock produce high yields of quality fruit. The compact growth habit allows more trees to be planted per hectare, maximizing productivity.
  4. Disease Resistance: M9 rootstock is highly resistant to several common apple tree diseases, including fire blight and root rot. This resistance translates to healthier trees and a more successful orchard.
  5. Strong Root System: The robust root system of the M9 rootstock provides excellent anchorage and nutrient uptake, essential for the healthy growth of the apple tree.

99% Survival Rate: A Testament to Quality

Our grafted apple seedlings have an impressive 99% survival rate, a figure that speaks volumes about the quality and care we invest in our plants. Here’s how we achieve this remarkable success:

  1. Expert Grafting Techniques: Our team of horticultural experts employs precise and meticulous grafting techniques, ensuring a strong and healthy union between the rootstock and the scion.
  2. Stringent Quality Control: Each seedling undergoes rigorous quality checks at every stage of the grafting and growing process. Only the healthiest and most vigorous seedlings make it to our customers.
  3. Optimal Growing Conditions: Our nurseries provide the perfect environment for the growth and development of apple seedlings. From soil quality to watering schedules, we ensure every seedling receives the best possible care.
  4. Comprehensive Aftercare Support: We offer guidance and support to farmers on the best practices for planting and caring for their apple trees. This includes advice on soil preparation, planting techniques, watering, and pest control.

Why Farmers Trend?

Choosing Farmers Trend for your apple seedlings means choosing a partner committed to your success. Here’s what sets us apart:

  1. Expert Knowledge and Experience: With years of experience in horticulture, we bring unparalleled expertise to the table. Our team stays updated with the latest agricultural practices and innovations to provide you with the best possible products and advice.
  2. Customer Satisfaction: Our focus is on ensuring our customers are completely satisfied with their purchase. From the quality of our seedlings to the support we offer, customer satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do.
  3. Sustainable Practices: We are dedicated to sustainable and environmentally friendly farming practices. Our methods ensure that we contribute positively to the environment while providing the best products to our customers.
  4. Community Support: At Farmers Trend, we believe in supporting our local farming community. We offer training sessions, workshops, and resources to help farmers improve their skills and knowledge.

Suitable Ecological Conditions for Growing Apple Trees

Growing apple trees requires specific ecological conditions to ensure optimal growth, fruit production, and overall health. Here’s a detailed guide on the suitable conditions and planting practices for grafted apple seedlings.

1. Climate

  • Temperature: Apple trees thrive in areas with a temperate climate. They require a certain number of chill hours (between 0-7°C) during the dormancy period to break bud and flower properly. Some varieties like Anna, Crimson Red and Wambugu can tolerate ASAL regions of Kenya.
  • Altitude: Apples grow best at altitudes between 1,500 and 2,500 meters above sea level.
  • Rainfall: Ideal annual rainfall is between 800mm and 1,200mm. Excessive rainfall can lead to fungal diseases, while insufficient rainfall requires supplementary irrigation.

2. Soil

  • Type: Apples prefer well-drained, loamy soils that are rich in organic matter. Sandy loam and clay loam soils are ideal.
  • Soil Depth: A minimum soil depth of 1.5 meters is recommended to accommodate the deep root system of apple trees.
  • pH: The optimal soil pH for apple trees is between 6.0 and 7.0. Soil that is too acidic or too alkaline can inhibit nutrient uptake and affect tree health.

3. Irrigation

  • Frequency: Regular watering is crucial, especially during dry periods. Young trees require more frequent watering until they establish a deep root system.
  • Method: Drip irrigation is recommended to provide consistent moisture to the root zone without waterlogging the soil.
  • Amount: Depending on the climate and soil type, apple trees generally require about 25-30 liters of water per week during the growing season.

Planting Guide

1. Spacing

  • Between Trees: Space apple trees about 3-4 meters apart to ensure adequate sunlight and air circulation.
  • Between Rows: Leave about 5-6 meters between rows to facilitate access for maintenance, harvesting, and machinery if used.

2. Planting Hole

  • Size: Dig planting holes that are approximately 60cm in diameter and 60cm deep. This size ensures enough space for the roots to spread and establish.
  • Preparation: Mix the excavated soil with well-rotted manure or compost to enrich the planting hole. Add a handful of bone meal or a balanced fertilizer to promote root growth.

3. Plant Density

  • High-Density Planting: For high-density planting systems, which are becoming increasingly popular, trees are planted closer together, often 1.5-2 meters apart in rows that are 3-4 meters apart. This method increases the number of trees per acre and can enhance productivity.
  • Standard Density: Traditional planting involves spacing trees further apart, around 3-4 meters between trees and 5-6 meters between rows, resulting in fewer trees per acre but requiring less intensive management.

Expected Yield

Yield per Tree

  • Mature Trees: Mature apple trees (around 5-10 years old) grafted on M9 rootstock typically produce between 20-30 kg of apples per tree per season.
  • Young Trees: Younger trees (2-4 years old) may yield between 5-15 kg per tree as they are still establishing and growing.

Yield per Acre

  • Standard Density Planting: With traditional spacing (around 250-300 trees per acre), the yield can range from 5,000 to 7,500 kg (5-7.5 tons) per acre.
  • High-Density Planting: In high-density systems (around 500-600 trees per acre), the yield can be significantly higher, potentially reaching 10,000 to 15,000 kg (10-15 tons) per acre, depending on management practices and growing conditions.

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Anna, Pink Lady, Winter Banana, Golden Dorset, Granny Smith (green), Crimson Red, Wambugu Apple


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