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Category: Diseases In Animals

Poultry Vaccines, Vaccination And Management

Poultry Vaccines, Vaccination And Management: Productivity and profitability in poultry farming are enhanced by application of sound principles of bio-security, vaccination and management. Improving efficiency increases the availability of eggs and poultry meat, which leads to increase in profits of the farmers.  Improved bio-security and an awareness of the need for appropriate poultry vaccination programs …

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What causes yellowish diarrhea in piglets?

This type of diarrhea is common in piglets between 10 days and two weeks of age. In addition to yellowish and watery feces, weak animals are observed, with delayed growth and higher mortality rates. In the clinical case of this image, since no intestinal gas was observed, bacterial enterocolitis was discarded. The signs are compatible …

What causes yellowish diarrhea in piglets?Read More


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