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Author: Farmers Trend Online Agrovet

The Vital Role of Nitrogen in Plant Physiology

The Vital Role of Nitrogen in Plant Physiology

Today, we’re delving into the essential world of Nitrogen – a crucial element that acts as a building block for our beloved plants. 🌱🔬 🌟 Why Nitrogen? Nitrogen is a major component of chlorophyll, the compound by which plants use sunlight to produce sugars from water and carbon dioxide (aka photosynthesis). It’s also a significant …

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The Role of Zinc in Plant Development, It's deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms

The Role of Zinc in Plant Development, It’s deficiency & Toxicity Symptoms

Zinc might be tiny, but it plays a huge role in the growth and development of plants. It’s an essential micronutrient that plants need in small amounts for various vital functions. Zinc is a key component of many enzymes and proteins in plants. It is one of eight essential micronutrients.Inadequate Zn availability in soil is …

The Role of Zinc in Plant Development, It’s deficiency & Toxicity SymptomsRead More

Integrated Management of Whiteflies on Tomatoes

Integrated Management of Whiteflies on Tomatoes

It is well known that the whiteflies are considered one of the most dangerous pests due to its multiple families and rapid reproduction, in addition to its role as a vector for numerous plant viruses. The whitefly, a notorious pest known for its rapid reproduction and role as a vector for plant viruses, poses a …

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Pesticide Use in Irish Potato Farming In Kenya

Pesticide use in Irish potato farming in Kenya is a topic that involves the application of chemical substances to protect potato crops from pests, diseases, and weeds. Farmers in Kenya, like in many other regions, often face challenges in maintaining healthy potato crops due to various pests and diseases that can adversely affect yield and …

Pesticide Use in Irish Potato Farming In KenyaRead More

How Kenyan Farmers Are Transitioning to Biopesticides for Fall Armyworm Management

How Kenyan Farmers Are Transitioning to Biopesticides for Fall Armyworm Management

Researchers from CABI’s regional center for Africa organized a farmer’s field event in Machakos County, Kenya, providing comprehensive training to 582 farmers regarding the production of baculorvirus-based insecticides for managing the fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), according to Krishak Jagat. The team also conducted assessments to gauge the farmers’ proficiency in fall armyworm management through biopesticides, addressed challenges …

How Kenyan Farmers Are Transitioning to Biopesticides for Fall Armyworm ManagementRead More

Advantage of Substituting Manure for Commercial Fertilizer in Agriculture

Advantage of Substituting Manure for Commercial Fertilizer in Agriculture

In the intricate web of modern agriculture, the choice between manure and commercial fertilizer has far-reaching implications for food security, environmental sustainability, and societal well-being. A growing body of evidence suggests that substituting manure for commercial fertilizer not only enhances food security through increased yields but also contributes to environmental protection by mitigating nitrogen loss …

Advantage of Substituting Manure for Commercial Fertilizer in AgricultureRead More

Addressing Nutrient Pollution: A Simple Guide to Protecting Our Waterways

Addressing Nutrient Pollution: A Simple Guide to Protecting Our Waterways

Nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus play a crucial role in sustaining the health of rivers, lakes, and estuaries by nourishing the plants and animals that call them home. However, just as too much food can lead to health issues, an excess of nutrient matter in waterways can result in problems such as harmful algae blooms …

Addressing Nutrient Pollution: A Simple Guide to Protecting Our WaterwaysRead More

Sulfur Availability and Its Function in Plant Nutrition 2

Sulfur Availability and Its Function in Plant Nutrition

Sulfur (S) is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development, although it is needed in smaller quantities compared to macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Sulfur plays a vital role in various physiological processes and is crucial for overall plant health. Understanding sulfur availability and its functions in plant nutrition is essential for successful …

Sulfur Availability and Its Function in Plant NutritionRead More

NPK Fertilizer For Your Crops

The Best NPK Fertilizer For Your Crops

The idea of “the best NPK fertilizer for your crops” sounds great but it’s crucial to know that you don’t apply fertilizer to your crops. The soil is where plants/crops get their nutrition. Fertilizer is applied to the soil rather than the plants. NPK Fertilizer is a mixture of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium that boosts …

The Best NPK Fertilizer For Your CropsRead More



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